
Measure of Intelligence

How smart is AI today? Not very, argues Francois Chollet in his 2020 paper, On the Measure of Intelligence . Chollet is the creator of Keras, one of the most popular programs for neural networks and deep learning, and his work in these cutting-edge technologies has given him a unique perspective on AI. Artificial Intelligence research lies at the intersection of two of my favorite subjects- analyzing lots of data and anthropomorphizing my computer. When one of the leaders of the field released a paper sharing his thoughts, then, I greedily devoured all of its 64 pages of fury, and they left me fascinated, excited, and maybe just a little bit confused. Let me see if I can summarize: Chollet argues that they are extremely skilled in complex tasks- they can drive cars, make puns, and win international e-sports tournaments- but there’s a difference between skill and intelligence . Turns out, learning a skill- even a complex one- does not actually take any intelligence. As it turns out...

Slicing the Startup Pie at the 11th Hour

How to rebalance founder equity by Ymir Vigfusson You and a number of your coder friends have come up with a genius idea. It’s so brilliant that you decide to turn it into a startup, Flugeldufel Inc. You can taste the excitement. You grow your team, heavy on the technical side of course because those are the people in your network. You dream of all the good you will do with your inevitable riches.  Life is grand. Cara putting in more work than Alice and Bob on Flugeldufel Inc. One of the many things to do when forming a company is to define the relative ownership. Through misplaced conflict avoidance, you have decided to divide the startup up into equal pieces. Everybody is contributing equally to the success of the company, right? You had been lucky enough to receive a grant or angel investment that let you and your team spend several months on just creating a prototype for the course-altering technology that will propel Flugeldufel . There were other more ur...